Avocado Server

Avocado Server provides a REST based interface for applications to communicate with the avocado test server. This project is in very early prototype and development stage, so don’t expect a solid and mature test server here.

If you want to try it out, follow these steps.


First install the following dependencies (pip install is your friend):

  • django
  • djangorestframework
  • drf-nested-routers

Create the initial database by running:

$ ./scripts/avocado-server-manage syncdb -v0 --noinput

Now create the superuser (administrator):

$ ./scripts/avocado-server-manage createsuperuser --username=admin --email='root@localhost.localdomain' --noinput

And choose a password:

$ ./scripts/avocado-server-manage changepassword admin



$ ./scripts/avocado-server-manage runserver

Now open your browser at the given address, log in with your recently created credentials and explore the API.

For the impatient (or developer) a script named reset-and-run.sh collects the manual commands listed earlier. It also resets (deletes) the database file, so be careful!